> RedHat 8.0 ships with either Sendmail or PostFix installed.
> So to make exim take over completely for mail delivery,
> follow the steps below:
Or, be really RedHat-compatible and build your own Exim RPM
package. Uninstall the sendmail RPM and install the exim RPM
instead, and everything works like a charm.
I found the needed spec-file and some additional files (startup
scripts and such needed for inclusion in the RPM) at the
following address:
Using that, I have successfully built an Exim-4.10 RPM for
my RedHat 8.0 system. If you are really lazy, I could put
up the RPM I built for downloading..
Kai.Risku@??? GSM +358-40-767 8282
Oy Arrak Software Ab http://www.arrak.fi