Wednesday, September 4, 2002, 9:18:12 PM, you wrote:
> Jochen Erwied schrieb :
>> Write a script containing:
>> uucico -D -s<system>
>> exim -q
> I can't do this, because I start uucico on internet call in. So the line
> is held open, while uuxqt runs the batch commands and no data is
> transmitted. I don't want this.
Not quite right.
UUCICO starts commands every 'run-uuxqt <n>' jobs during calls, and
these processes run in background (to a maximum of 10, configurable
using the option 'max-uuxqts <n>')
So the connection won't stay up longer than needed, and not longer
than in your current setup.
Assuming you call uucico from .../ip-up (or whatever script you use on
internet dial-in), use the following script:
in ip-up:
.../do.uucico <host> &
instead of maybe
uucico -s <host>
do.uucico contains:
#! /bin/sh
[ -n "$1" ] || ( echo No host to call; exit 1 )
# -D: stay in foreground
# -q: don't run uuxqt
# -s $1: call out to specific system
uucico -D -q -s $1
# -s $1: run uuxqt for this system only
uuxqt -s $1
# empty the mailqueue
exim -q
This should give you a strictly sequential behaviour for processing
commands and mails.
If I remember correctly, NexGo (now Arcor) batches mails on demand, so
you get only one bunch of emails per call. So above solution may not
be needed anyway, since calling 'exim -q' from rbsmtp produces exactly
the same behaviour. Maybe you should put it into background.
mbs GmbH |
Jochen Erwied |
Roemerstr. 15 | phone: +49-2151-7294-0
47809 Krefeld | fax: +49-2151-7294-50