[Exim] SpamAssassin Hints Needed

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Συντάκτης: Jeffrey Wheat
Προς: exim-users
Αντικείμενο: [Exim] SpamAssassin Hints Needed
Thanks to all of you that flamed me when I was looking for spam solutions. It forced me to re-evaluate spamassassin and I have to admit the new version is much better.

I am looking for a few hints on how to benefit more from this package. My setup is not that complicated. Exim 4.10 with the exiscan patch and the dynamically loadable local_scan patch for running sa-exim 2.0. I have all the perl modules with the exception of razor installed as well. With sophie and spamd running, I see little load on the server.

I am now wanting to move this setup onto my production mail server but wish to have the ability to use a per user opt-in/out and scoring. I have seen some documentation about this being supported using MySQL. My last attempt at using this resulted in it not getting the usernames to lookup in the table.

Has anyone managed to get this to work and would be willing to share?

Many thanks in advance, and thanks for the wakeup call :)


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