I have a problem with SMTP AUTH and Netscape, can you
probably advise what to do to make it work again?
driver = plaintext
public_name = PLAIN
server_condition = "${if and {{!eq{$2}{}}{!eq{$3}{}} \
{crypteq{$3}{${extract{2}{:} \
server_set_id = $2
That thingy does not work any more and on the FAQ pages it's
still the old recipe, it worked with 3.1x and now it doesn't.
I have 3.35 now, but the 3.36 changelog does not give any
hint in that direction either.
Please, any idea welcome, especially a fix. :) And also
thanks for that well done piece of software, saved my butt
quite some times already.
Kill -9 them all. Let init sort'em out.
Alexander Koch - <>< - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - KOCH1-RIPE