RE: [Exim] Sending mail with exim..

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Autor: Mike Gifford
To: jan.johansson, exim-users
Betreff: RE: [Exim] Sending mail with exim..

Thanks for your quick response..

On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 09:08, Jan Johansson wrote:
> > 2002-06-20 00:10:08 17KtGq-00019b-00 == mike@???
> > routing defer (-45):
> > domain is in queue_remote_domains
> That says it all. is in your queue_remote_domains in exim.conf.

Thats your problem.

I commented this out and it did seem to change some things:
# Added because of by Mike
# queue_remote_domains = *

I'm getting these errors now from the exim_mainlog:

2002-06-20 10:26:18 17L2q4-0000me-00 []: Connection t
imed out
2002-06-20 10:29:27 17L2q4-0000me-00 []: Connectio
n timed out
2002-06-20 10:32:36 17L2q4-0000me-00 [192.139.46
.2]: Connection timed out
2002-06-20 10:32:36 17L2q4-0000me-00 == mike@??? T=remote_smtp defer (110)
: Connection timed out
2002-06-20 10:38:45 17L1AZ-0000ON-00 Spool file 17L1AZ-0000ON-00-D not found
2002-06-20 10:39:51 17L36F-0000qO-00 <= mike@??? U=mike P=loca
l S=491
2002-06-20 10:39:51 17L36F-0000qO-00 == mike@??? T=remote_smtp defer (-44)
: retry time not reached for any host

Believe they are likely emerging as I (following someone's comments in a
weblog) deleted the log files (as exim would recreate them.

On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 09:16, Jan Johansson wrote:
> > Connecting to [] ...
> > I've got no idea why it just stops here.. Suggestions would
> > be very helpful..
> > I'm trying to resolve a prolbem I'm having that I suspect
> > lies with my ISP's
> > SMTP server..
> Sorry, i spoke to soon on that. Well, i have no problem in connecting
> to that host. Could it be a evil ISP? Does belong to
> your ISP or is it a remote resource? Quite a few ISP have started to
> block port 25 to all hosts except their own SMTP hosts.

I don't think that this evil ISP is blocking port 25.. The IP (
doesn't belong to the ISP, but it is the computer where my mailbox resides
(it's outside of my system).

I don't generally have a problem connecting to that IP either.. That is where
requests to mike@??? should go.. (and where I was sending it)

> Have you verified with telnet?

I haven't.. But I'm not sure how to do this either.. I only want to use exim
to send mail, I don't actually want to receive mail locally with it.. It's
actually behind a firewall (which could well be the problem - although that
shouldn't block port 25) I could put exim on an internet visible computer if
this is needed -- I just don't know if that is needed or not..

Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting,
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