On 2002-03-24 at 22:00 -0400, joe wrote:
> OK, here's the debugging output:
> queued for procmail_pipe transport: local_part=user domain=example.com
> errors_to=NULL
> domain_data=NULL local_part_data=NULL
> localuser director succeeded for user
I asked Joe for full -d9 output to my own address. Looking through it,
step by step, I saw something interesting.
Joe, that's the "localuser" director. You've shown us a "procmail"
director and a "userforward" director.
Hint: don't name your directors the same as a driver. :^)
Looking at the -d9 output, trimming and separating out to make clearer:
calling userforward director
require_files = user:+/users/staff/user:+/users/staff/user/.forward
require files uid=0 gid=0 euid=4052 egid=10
test existence of /users/staff/user
required present, EACCES => absent
No such file or directory
restored uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 egid=0
userforward director skipped: file existence failure
calling procmail director
Foo! LHS=user Home=/users/staff/user
require_files = user:+/users/staff/user:+/users/staff/user/.procmailrc:+/usr/local/bin/procmail
require files uid=0 gid=0 euid=4052 egid=10
test existence of /users/staff/user
required present, EACCES => absent
No such file or directory
restored uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 egid=0
procmail director skipped: file existence failure
calling localuser director
queued for procmail_pipe transport: local_part=user domain=example.com
domain_data=NULL local_part_data=NULL
localuser director succeeded for user
So, your final localuser-driven director is using the procmail_pipe
transport. The transport tries to find the files, and fails.
Change that third director to use a different transport.
Eg, I use /var/mail/, ownership root:mail, mode 775. So I have:
driver = appendfile
file = /var/mail/${local_part}
group = mail
mode = 0620
So the transport on that final director would become local_mbox. If you
want a require_files, +/var/mail ; but by that time, it's probably
better to defer instead, so don't.
Trapdoor (n. & v.t.):
Term of abuse describing ciphers designed by other people,
esp. government agencies.