Re: [Exim] system filter

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Συντάκτης: Ryan Tracey
Αντικείμενο: Re: [Exim] system filter

I did something like this:

    save /var/log/exim/spam/${local_part:${extract{1}{,}{$recipients}}} 0644

Seems to be working okay.


Ryan Tracey wrote:
> Hi
> I am filtering out spam using a system filter which culminates in something like:
> if($n9 is above 99)
>     then
>     save /var/log/exim/increment.spool 0644
>     logfile /var/log/exim/increment.log 0644
>     logwrite "[$tod_log] (score=$n9) ${lc:$sender_address} ($sender_host_name[$sender_h
> ost_address]) -> recipients=$recipients (recipients=$recipients_count) subject=$header_
> subject"
>     seen finish
> endif

> Unfortunately, I do get some false positives and usually use mutt to bounce the falsely
> caught email. However, it is fairly time consuming to find the real email in amongst all
> the spam in /var/log/exim/increment.spool. I'd like to try and save the caught emails to a
> file based on the recipient of the email. Something like:
>         save /var/spool/mail/spam.${local_part}

> Now, I know that ${local_part} is not available in the system filter. What is the
> alternative? I guess that what I really need to do is something like this:
>         for address in $recipients
>                 save /var/spool/mail/spam.${local_part:$address}

> I'm reading through filter.txt for an answer (and have probably not noticed something I
> should have noticed) but if anyone can offer any advice I'd appreciate it.
> Cheers,
> Ryan
> --
> Ryan Tracey          | +27 21 917 8909
> Thawte Certification |

> --
> ## List details at Exim details at ##

Ryan Tracey          | +27 21 917 8909
Thawte Certification |
    "Every morning I read the obituaries; if my name's not there,
    I go to work."