* Joseph Kezar <jkezar@???> [20020111 16:35]: wrote:
> Will my directors that I've written for Exim 3.33 configurarion work for Exim 4.
> Things like LDAP lookups. Or do these have to be rewritten in another format.
> Will our Exim 3.33 system filters work also in Exim 4 or do they need rewrite also?
Without a straight answer, build a TEST environment and just try doing it.
The formats have changed but still there is a script that Philip provided
and truly speaking it some nice piece. You just do
./convert4r4 < current_configure_file > configure-v4
Then take a close look at the configure-v4 or whatever you called it.
You'll make a few changes here are there. Then you can do
path/to/exim-3.95x-binary -C configure-v4 -bV
and it will spit a few complaints if there are issues.
1. rewrite rules have to be modified..... I'll check the new docs because
I have a few of those.
2. I've not tested the filters in this TEST env.
3. Lookups are rewritten by the script and from the look of things they'll work.
I can only repond to this authoritatively after I test the SQL lookups that I
have. It means a whole replication of the databases to the TEST env.
S y s t e m s A d m i n.
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