On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> The only way to get spam out of your mailbox when using fetchmail, is to
> use a tool like Procmail. Since your mail server is not the one
> receiving an SMTP connection, you have to filter after it gets to you.
Thanks for all the replies.
I use procmail already to filter my mail into different inboxes by subject.
But I don't think procmail can be configured to look up the remote servers
in the various RBL lists.
AFAICS, Scott Nolde's suggestion also suffers from the same problem: you
have to keep the spammers list up to date manually.
Anyway, I've now found Mail::SpamAssassin on CPAN, which may be the way
forward, as an additional filtering step.
Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
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