Συντάκτης: Funk Gabor Ημερομηνία: Προς: Philip Hazel Υ/ο: exim-users Αντικείμενο: Re: [Exim] exim router rights
Thanks Philip, finally I stopped being a chicken and inserted a
"self = fail_soft" line into "lookuphost" router. Now it is not freezing,
buy the mail the sender receives contains the error message:
"lowest numbered MX record points to local host"
I'd rather like this to be "Unknown recipient" or alike.
>>What do you want to happen? (I'm sorry, I can't recall if you said - I'm
>>dealing with too many things at once these days.) I perfectlz understand. Find attached below my "big-picture" explanation
Thanks in advance, G.
For the big picture, I'd like to do the following:
- local user - based on a "local" file. That's ok.
- "pop3" user or group - based on existence of a directory,
preferably an aliasresolving first, such as info, root should
"change" to userX or something, and then existing local parts
to /domain/$local_part/Maildir if exists, and others to
/domain/--group--/Maildir if "--group--" (or other won't-be-used
name for the directory) if exits. This is also ok
- And then - for incoming message - if no luck, then bounce
with "unknown recipient" or something like this.