> # the net-pgsql; lists the IP address for this machine
> # the pgsql; lists the reverse dns domain name.
> host_reject_recipients = net-pgsql;select reason from rejected where
> '$key' like address: +warn_unknown : pgsql;select reason from rejected
> where '$key' like address
Realy great, I was not aware that we can have 2 queries in the command. May
be slower but I'll try it.
What do you think of this one:
MYSQL_REJECT_HOSTS = SELECT rh_hosts FROM reject_hosts WHERE \
rh_hosts = '$sender_host_address'
host_reject_recipients = "+allow_unknown:net-mysql;MYSQL_REJECT_HOSTS" is rejected (in my list). is accepted.
What's append with hosts with name (sample: mailer2.sexrave.com) which is in
my reject list. Does Exim try to resolve the name and block the host?
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