Re: [Exim] unwanted mutiple emails

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Auteur: Diye Wariebi
À: exim-users
Sujet: Re: [Exim] unwanted mutiple emails
Exim is sending the message multiple times.

Philip Hazel wrote:

>On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
>> >>> DATA
>> <<< 354 Send data followed by <CRLF>.<CRLF>
>> >>> From: ....
>> >>> To: ...
>> >>> Subject: ...
>> >>> Other-headers: ....
>> >>>
>> >>> body text
>> >>> .
>>At this point, the receiving end must attempt to spool or deliver the
>>message. It will then return
>> <<< 250 Accepted id=...
>>If the sender times this out, the message may well have been delivered, but
>>the receiver never gets a chance to tell it, so the sender *has* to assume
>>that it hasn't.
>>I can't remember offhand which variable this is in Exim, but I find the
>>default timeouts to be sensible and not to cause this to happen in general.
>The final timeout default value is 10 minutes.
>The original poster said that "customers were receiving multiple
>copies". However, I don't think we know whether this is because his Exim
>is *receiving* the message multiple times, or *sending* the message
>multiple times.
>If it's timing out when receiving, the relevant option is
>smtp_receive_timeout, defaulting to 5 minutes.
