Please do not flame me for this! I think it might be useful for a small
number of people.
For years there has been a debate about the issue of adding a legal
disclaimer to outbound mails. Rather than solutions it usually ends up as a
debate about their worth (or lack of rather), their MIME breaking and their
digital signature ruining.
I have a quick solution for those using the amavis package. I think that
quite a lot of exim users have amavis so this is just about on topic ;)
1) Download and install amavis-perl (if not already done)
2) Download and install altermime (
3) Create a disclaimer file (say /etc/disclaimer)
4) Make sure that the disclaimer is chowned to the amavis user
4) Edit /usr/sbin/amavisd
5) Make these changes
after these lines...
# Handle empty sender address
$SENDER = "<>" if ($SENDER eq "");
# The same file also serves as input to the parser!
add "$fh->close;"
Then there should be these lines ...
# Must be global
use vars qw($entity $output $errval);
"$_ = $SENDER;
if (/^*domain/) {
system("/usr/local/bin/altermime --input=$TEMPDIR/email.txt --htmltools --di
sclaimer=/etc/disclaimer"); }
$fh = IO::File->new("$TEMPDIR/email.txt") || do_exit($REGERR, __LINE__);
Replace 'domain' with your domain (without the .com or whatever). This will
stop the disclaimer being added to incoming mail. I don't know much about
perl, but I know that this works for me. It's a start for anybody that has
an anal boss that want's a Virus Scanning, Disclaimer adding MTA (Exim and
Amavis make a great package IMHO)