We have a centralized LDAP server containing about a thousand users. I
want my exim to be able to identify LDAP users as local. Currently I
get this resolve when I try to send to an LDAP account user.(eg.
joek@??? is undeliverable:
unknown local-part "joek" in domain "doc.state.vt.us"
However, my exim is using /etc/passwd for its lookups(I'm sure this is
the default).
Becuase jkezar@??? works.
Where in the /usr/exim/configure file do I tell exim that joek has an
entry in LDAP and to view him as local. An abridged example of one of
our LDAP entries is as follows:
dn: cn=Joseph Kezar + uid=jkezar,ou=Groups,o=Vermont Department of
cn: Joseph Kezar
mail: jkezar@???
uid: jkezar
telephoneNumber: (802)555-1212
maildrop: jkezar@???
What would this configuration look like. How would I write the query?
I am assuming I am querying on uid and returning mail? I'm not sure.
Joseph Kezar
Vermont Department of Corrections