On Sun, 26 Aug 2001 02:59:26 +0100, Michael Wells wrote:
> Eventually I ran ktrace, to look at Exim's system calls . The section
> below is just after Exim forked to respond to my telnet on
> localhost 25. What does "connect -1 errno 36 Operation now in progress"
> mean to anyone; is there something about this that suggests a problem
> with the bind?
ktrace is _very_ low level, given how few possibilities you've ruled
out. :-)
Find out where the delay actually occurs by running a debugging listener
on a non-standard port and connecting to that port, e.g.
/usr/local/sbin/exim -d 9 -bd -oX 2525
Is the delay about 30 seconds? If so, are you sure ident lookups are
immediately refused (rather than silently dropped)?