Every time the mail servers grows a new name and mail is sent from
bounce-handler-X-Y-Z@???, the bounce_handler director's domains
option must be updated, as well as the local_domains main configuration
An easy mistake to make is to add new.bar.com to local_domains, but not
to the domains option of the bounce_handler director.
I'm using the domains option because I don't want _outbound_ mail
intended for bounce-handler-subscriber@??? to be mismanaged.
I can live without this functionality. I just prefer not to duplicate
configuration information.
> Apart from general clutter, one of the reasons for not providing it is
> that local_domains is not, in general, just a list of domains.
I won't pretend to understand, and I don't need to. I'll trust that the
author of the software knows what he's talking about and tackle more
important problems. :-)