On Thu, 10 May 2001, Noricom Nord AS Asgeir Stangeland wrote:
> Yesterday we received a virus. Fortunately our lan was not infected because nobody opened the attachement. How can i spam or return mail with attachement like .vbs or .exe?
if (($header_content-type MATCHES "(?i)multipart/mixed" and
($message_body MATCHES "(?i)content-type:
.*(file)?name=\"?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\\\.vbs") or
$message_body MATCHES
"(?i)\\\\s+(file)?name=\"?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\\\.vbs") or $message_body
MATCHES "(?i)begin \\\\d\\\\d\\\\d .+\\\\.vbs") then
fail text "Sorry we don't accept .vbs attachments!!!"
save /var/mail/filtermail 0600
freeze text "Contains a possible .vbs script"
this is what i use in my general filter file. works fine for me.
Tom Fischer ABH Marketingservice GmbH
Systemadministration Weißhausstr.23a
Tel: 0221-94400446 50939 Koeln / Germany