According to the FAQ:
Q5026: What does "Exim" stand for?
A5026: Originally, it was "EXperimental Internet Mailer", which was
the best I could come up with when I was starting out. At that point
it was experimental - I wanted to see if the ideas I had for extending
Smail's approach actually worked. Then somebody discovered about it
and wanted to start using it, and told other people about it...
Previously, Marian Eichholz said:
> Hello!
> Just for an "OT" question: What is the humble meaning of "Exim"? I
> searched the documents for a while, but I found nothing that lead me to
> an explanation.
> Do You know anything?
> --
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely
> Marian Eichholz
> - - - - - - - - - - -
> Marian Eichholz
> Postmaster
> AG Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Gerhard Schmid
> Deelbögenkamp 4c Vorstand: Eckhard Spoerr (Vors.), Axel Krieger
> 22297 Hamburg Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 74048
> --
> ## List details at Exim details at ##
A witty saying proves nothing. -Voltaire