George Chavdarov rearranged electrons thusly:
> question is how can i make copy of messages that one user from local network
> sends to anyone to other email account
> example all mail that user boss@domain sends to be copyed to sec@domain
> filters do not help as describet in FAQ
Set this up in your alias file
boss theboss, sec
and run 'newaliases'.
This way, your sec(retary) gets to read all the boss' mails as well.
To prevent mail from looping (boss@domain getting forwarded to boss, and which
again gets forwarded to boss@domain ... etc) I suppose you might want to have
the boss's local account named something different from what his mail id is.
Suresh Ramasubramanian + sureshr <@> mail <.> ru
Sysadmin, Oyeindia.Com +
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