It's not our doamin -- we want to send mail _to_ this system - exim seems
to be choking. How can we clear it's throat?
On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Peter Radcliffe wrote:
> Don Hayward <don@???> probably said:
> > A constituent tries to send mail to:
> > mail not sent: malformed address: may not follow @wmmc
> Lose the underscore - it's not legal in a domain for email.
> Even if you fudge your install to allow it, lots of other people
> won't allow it.
> P.
> --
> pir pir@??? pir@???
> --
> ## List details at Exim details at ##
Don Hayward don@???
Mote Marine Laboratory Voice: 941.388.4441
1600 Ken Thompson Parkway Fax: 941.388.4312
Sarasota, FL 34236 See:
Independent, non-profit, marine and estuarine research and education facility.
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