I use the system filter for deal with executable attatchments, but altered
to freeze instead of bounce and I have freeze inform mailmaster on;
] if $header_content-type: matches "(?:f.....
] then
] freeze text "executable attachment $1"
] finish
] endif
I recently upgraded to 3.16. I used to get the freeze text in the
inform message, but a message frozen today did not;
] Message 13UZ3y-0000iE-00 has been frozen. The sender is <sender@addr>.
] The following address(es) have yet to be delivered:
] recipient@???: unknown error
The freeze text is used, I can see it in the log;
] pir@rock> exim -Mvl 13UZ3y-0000iE-00
] *** Frozen by message filter: executable attachment attatch.exe
Any reason why I don't see it in the inform message anymore ?
pir pir@??? pir@???