I recently upgraded debian, and in the course of upgrade the
qmail was replaced with exim.
Now, I have hard time to get procmail to work. I have read the
FAQ on web site and checked exim mailing list, yet still I'm
not sure how to get procmai to work with exim. Can someone
give me some straightforward instructions what I need to add
to /etc/exim.conf ?
In the ~/.forward file I have
"|/usr/bin/procmail -t #adam"
This would give me error:
------ |/usr/bin/procmail -t #adam ------
procmail: Couldn't read "/home/adam/#adam"
If I change it to:
Then the error is
------ |/usr/bin/procmail ------
procmail: Suspicious rcfile "/home/adam/.procmailrc"
procmail: Couldn't read "/home/adam/.procmailrc"
I saw asnwer related to this in the exim FAQ, but, it does not seems like
a complete solution as the "procmail_pipe" shown in the example is not
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