On Tue, 16 May 2000 16:38:50 +0100, Ian Southam said:
> On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 06:33:03AM -0400 lansyaw@??? wrote :
> > care to tell us how exactly can that be done ? where do i start ?
> how exactly do i have mail users and yet not have them as system user
> ? can they check thru POP ? how about IMAP ? any URL's or HOWTO's
> that u can point to ?
> You are stting up a commercial system. You are collecting a
salary -
> you
> should read the odd manual. When you get to specific problems all of
> us will
> help you, If you want a grand plan, how does 650 UKP a day sound?
Far too cheap!