Quoth Dave C. on Fri, May 12, 2000:
> Collapse directors and routers into one concept (and choose some
> appropriate 'unified' name for them).
At some point, Philip did mention that directors and routers are
essentialy the same, and he would collapse them into one concept
if he was him. Maybe one day... This is the sort of thing I
would love to see in Exim. It would greatly simplify several
complex configs that people use.
Except "domains", there is another thing I would love to see. To
keep the division between local and remote domains as it's needed
for most configurations, it would be nice to have some sort of
"for these domains start here" directive, along with "branch to"
(kind of goto), "no_more for domains" (both unconditional (if
processing reached this point, stop) and conditional (if
processing reached this point _and_ domains match this domain
list, stop, otherwise continue processing)) and default
fallthrough ( to support more complex configs). Something like:
start for vygo.net and *.vygo.net
start for dbm;/var/exim/virtdoms
branch to localuser
start for * # <-- meaning "except those mentioned"
end # <-- implies no_more, naturally
Thus, local_domains will probably not be needed, and will be
unified with relay_domains for relay control.
Vadik the Dreamer.
It was state of the art, he said.
The art in this case was probably pottery.
-- Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, "Good Omens"