Autor: David Hayling Data: A: exim-users Assumpte: Re: [Exim] conditions in filters
>>> Ian Southam <exim@???> 12/05/00 10:56:16 >>> >I'd actually agree. I am pretty au fait with these things now but, when I >first started with exim a couple of years ago, it took me about 20 attempts >to get the syntax for these things right. Even now, I don't think I have ever >put one in that "worked" first time ;-).*
I agree, I realise there are some examples in the FAQ but not nearly
enough in my experience. I'm just hanging on for THE book and hoping
that it will have loads of worked examples of configurations of routers
& directors etc, filters and lots more . . .
David Hayling
Network Manager
Wye College, University of London
email: d.hayling@???