Yann Algayon wrote:
> I try to proceed mailing-lists with exim.
> these mailing-lists are defined in an LDAP directory.
> the form is :
> dn: 'dn of the mailing list'
> objectclass: groupofnames
> objectclass: mailgroup
> mail: tous@domain (the mail address of the mailing)
> member: uid=algayon,ou=personnel,o=domain,dc=annuaire (the DN
> of the first member)
> member: .... (DN of the 2nd member)
> member: ....
> .....
> I think it could be done with an aliasfile director.
> this director would take in entry the address of the mailig list
> (tous@domain) and would
> give the list of the mail addresses of all the member of this list.
> with an LDAP query, i find the list of the DNs of all the member of the
> list, separated by a white space.
> (with the query
> ldap://server:389/'baseDN'?member?sub?(mail=tous@domain))
> I now have to make an LDAP query to find the mail address of each these
> DNs.
> Does someone know if there is an easy way to do this.
I've implemented exactly this (well, as a couple of new ldap lookups)
and had it running here for a couple of months now with no problems,
guess I should get round to submitting some patches if people think
it would be useful.
-- john.