> d@??? said:
> > I think the Debian people have done quite a nice post-install script
> > which asks a few basic questions about the local setup and what Exim
> > will be used for. Something like this wouldn't be a bad idea
> > necessarily.
> interactive post-install scripts are a no-no with rpms - and will
> definitely prevent your rpms being taken up by distributors since you
> can't do a full unattended install if packages start asking extra
> questions.
The distribution I know best is S.u.S.E.
Most administration, among this a very simple mail setup, can
be done by "yast" and will be stored in a central configuration
file, called /etc/rc.conf.
This information is used to generate a sendmail.cf, but it could
be used to generate an exim configuration file, too.
A post-install script might use this information to provide a
drop-in replacement for sendmail. I guess SuSE would support
attempts to provide a RPM giving the choice between Sendmail
and Exim, which would e.g. require that they update their dependencies
from sendmail to sendmail|exim (a lot of RPMs require sendmail).
I've never produced RPMs by myself, but I feel able to write
a /etc/rc.file -> exim-configure - converter and do the contact
to SuSE, provided that "we" decide to "officially" support RPMs.
Georg v. Zezschwitz HGVZ1-RIPE