In article <E1169PP-0007RZ-00@???>,
Nigel Metheringham <Nigel.Metheringham@???> wrote:
>> And I do know that comparisions I have made between perl and c
>> programs doing the same thing (after subtracting out the compilation
>> phase or by running long enough that it is negligible) show that perl
>> was orders of magnitude slower.
>I am slightly stunned by this. In general I have found the difference
>between doing serious work in perl and C to be within an order of
>magnitude (assuming competent coding) and sometimes perl can be faster
>because the people who wrote its library are very smart cookies.
>Benchmarks can usually be made to prove whatever you wish, and perl is
>certainly much faster to write a given function within unless you have
>a very well provisioned C toolkit.
Certianly. I mave have overstated my observations. It was a subjective
not quantitative observation.
And I also agree that in some cases it might actually be faster. It
almost always is faster to develop in.
Stuart Lynne <sl@???> 604-461-7532 <>
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