Quoth Christian Dysthe on Wed, Jul 07, 1999:
> I remember I set up email activity reporting on my own box a while bakck (I get
> email activity mailed to postmaster every day).
> It feels stupid to ask, but how do I do this? :)
Run eximstats and mail the results to yourself. For example,
/usr/local/lib/exim/eximstats -nr -ne </var/exim/log/mainlog.1 \
| mail -s "Daily exim statistics at `date +%Y-%m-%d`" cet1@???
Put it in /etc/daily.local or whatever script your cron runs
nightly. This is more or less what I did (although I run this
Any language that involves exposing private parts to friends is a
tad suspect...
-- Geoff Lane in the Monastery, about C++
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