Quoth V. T. Mueller on Sun, May 02, 1999:
> Relaying can be allowed by inserting *.sending.dom to
> sender_host_accept_relay .
> *Is there a way to also check if the term in brackets (sending.dom)
> matches a given pattern?*
Are you trying to relay all mail from sending.dom to anywhere in
the world? If it's so, then your host_accept_relay (in 2.950) or
sender_net_accept_relay (in 2.12 or earlier version) must have
the sending network range. For example,
sender_net_accept_relay = :
where 10.0/8 is your class A network (you do have a class A
network, don't you?), and 192.168.0/16 is sending.dom's range of
256 contiguous class C networks.
I think that in Exim 2.12, you can only say that you want to
relay from this host if it's in the 192.168.0 network, or if it
matches *.sender.dom (i.e., it's logical OR, not logical AND).
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
-- Ford Prefect
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