On 1 Feb 99, at 9:45, Philip Hazel wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Leonardo Boselli wrote:
> > 2) Ho to set a filter so all address beginninmg with a certain
> > charachter are forwarded to another machine ( in my case all
> > address in the form 0s*@??? must be forwarded to
> > 0s*@??? that have the mailboxes for them)
> Set up a transport to the other machine:
> Set up a director
> special:
> driver = smartuser
> transport = special
> domains = domain.it
> local_parts = ^0s
i tried also to add an alias in this way:
# There are no rewriting specifications in this default config file.
# This is an example of a useful rewriting rule---it looks up the real
# address of all local users in a file
# *@dicea.unifi.it ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
# {$value}fail} bcfrF
00*@??? 00$1@??? EbcfrFh
0e@??? 0e$1@??? E
# End of Exim configuration file
This, in my intention , would have moved to the machine
student.dicea.unifi.it all message addressed to address starting
whit 0e and 00 too, but this latter arrangement did not work ...
Havi I misunderstood the sintax or the significate of rewriting, or
what other problem ?
Leonardo Boselli (NIT)
Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile
Universita` di Firenze
Via Santa Marta 3
I-50139 Firenze
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