I want to use rewrite rules to change
addresses of certain hosts/domains , for which our exim will work
as mailrelay to route all emails to the given destination address.
I've to change the sender-address
from :
loebner@??? ->
over entries in special databases.
To write one rule to do this rewrite-operation... I think, this is
not difficult
(I had many aid from other german exim-admins to understand rewriting,...)
If it goes right, there is no problem, but I will reject the email, if
the rewrite rule can't find an entry in the database :
only definded users from defined Hosts/domains can email over
our exim-configuration
-> user of host must be defined, if the host is defined in our
What can I do?
I've an idea:
If rewrite can't rewrite the sender I change the To-Fields in
envelope/header to an fail-Address
-> mail to a special fail-address -> over a filter-process I can detect
the given error (rejection)
MfG Margrit Loebner
| phone : +49 391 67 1 2865 |
| +49 391 67 1 2819 |
| Margrit Loebner fax : +49 391 67 1 1134 |
| |
| Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg |
| Universitaetsrechenzentrum, URZ-N |
| Universitaetsplatz 2 |
| D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany |
| |
| EMail X.400: C=DE;A=D400;P=Uni-Magdeburg;OU=urz;S=Loebner;G=Margrit |
| RFC822: Margrit.Loebner@???[.D400].DE |
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