How can I stop the log and queue displays to pick up a string with the mouse
which is really hard when the displays are running ?
I'd like to have the opposite the of "Hide" for the queue diplay,
a function "Focus" to have only certain adresses displayed.
It's really a mess to search for a special address when the queue is long ...
Regards _______________________________________________________________
Frank Elsner / c/o Technische Universitaet Berlin |
____________/ ZRZ, Sekr. E-N 50 |
| Einsteinufer 17 |
|Voice: +49 30 314 23897 D-10587 Berlin |
|SMTP : Elsner@??? Germany |
|X400 : /S=Elsner/OU=zrz/P=TU-Berlin/A=d400/C=de/ _________________|
|____________________________________________________________| Ich habe fertig
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