On Fri, Sep 11, 1998 at 12:10:51AM +0200, Ray Vermey wrote:
> Sigh....
> we have the BSMTP for hollandcentraal.nl running from inside our dsl.nl
> domain. However from *outside* our domain mail to hollandcentraal.nl gets
> refused because of our anti-relaying measure... I have put the domain
> hollandcentraal.nl in various relaying options in exim.conf but till no
> avail yet.
> Any idea where to put the domain name ??
Idea 1 (as it is so wonderful flexible and made us using Exim):
Set "relay_domains_include_local_mx" in the config-file.
This will make Exim to accept all mails for domains that have
an MX to your host from everythere (In other words: all mails,
that have a reason to go to your site will be accepted).
But this means you need to have an MX to your machine for
Idea 2
relay_domains = "hollandcentraal.nl"
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