One last thing, if you don't mind. I've added the procmail_pipe transport
as follows:
driver = pipe
command = "/usr/local/bin/procmail -d ${local_part}"
user = exim
Along with the appropriate director:
driver = localuser
require_files = ${home}/.procmailrc
transport = procmail_pipe
However, I'm now (understandably) running into permissions problems when
trying to deliver mail to a user whose home directory is not accessible by
the general public (i.e., mode 700). Even after removing the "user = exim"
option in the procmail_pipe transport, delivery to these security
conscious users results in 'permission denied'.
Is there a way to force this particular transport to deliver as the user?
If I missed where this is covered in the FAQ or documentation, a minimal
shove in the right direction and I'll gladly RTFM.
Thanks for your patience.
Robert C. Zilbauer, Jr. Europa Communications Inc
Primary: zilbauer@??? Secondary: zilbauer@???
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
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