I can't get exim to deliver anything. It tells me that it crashes with
error 11, to wit:
1998-07-21 05:32:13 queue run: process 5310 crashed with signal 11 while delivering 0ywczI-00009A-00
1998-07-21 05:32:13 queue run: process 5312 crashed with signal 11 while delivering 0ywcwa-00008i-00
1998-07-21 05:32:13 queue run: process 5315 crashed with signal 11 while delivering 0ywcc6-00003Y-00
1998-07-21 05:32:13 queue run: process 5317 crashed with signal 11 while delivering 0ywIda-00009l-00
1998-07-21 05:32:13 queue run: process 5318 crashed with signal 11 while delivering 0ywcYG-00002s-00
and on and on, line after line.
The "configure" file has exim running as USER mail, and GROUP bin (8 &
Any thoughts?
*** Exim information can be found at
http://www.exim.org/ ***