> > The domain "example.de" has primary MX "mail.example.de" and secondary MX
> > "mx.mydomain.de". "mx.mydomain.de" is configured to send all outgoing
> > traffic to "outgoing.mydomain.de" to send it on to its final destination.
> > But "outgoing.mydomain.de" can't reach the primary and sends it back to
> > the secondary.
> Sounds like you need to configure "mx.mydomain.de" to send mail for
> "example.de" to the primary instead of to your smarthost. This can be
> trivially done using a domainlist router:
> example:
> driver = domainlist
> route_list = example.de mail.example.de byname
That would mean that I have a complete list of all hosts with an MX record
pointing to my host. Yes, I should have such a list. No, I don't have it.
And it's not easy to get one. Don't ask... :-(
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