I am using EXIM and smartlist to manage some lists. Messages come into
listname, exim delivers it to smartlist (flist), smartlist processes it
and mails it back out to listname-dist. During the process, headers for
Resent-From, Resent-To & Resent-Sender headers are added to the outgoing
Now when the end user replies to the message, it picks the addresses out
of the Resent-To (listname-dist) and Resent-Sender (listname-request)
How can I remove these headers from the outgoing mail.
* Joe Metzger Ames Office: (515)294-1939 *
* Computer Systems Engineer LBNL Office: (510)486-5740 *
* Network Information Services Group metzger@??? *
* ESnet, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 314 Wilhelm, ISU, Ames IA, 50011 *