Re: split the load?

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Autor: Piete Brooks
Para: Greg A. Woods
CC: exim-users
Assunto: Re: split the load?
> If DNS RFCs say a server MUST do round-robin serving of equal (MX) RRs,
> then any that don't are, by definition broken, and since the *best* fix
> for this is to fix the DNS server, then that's definitely the approach
> I'd take..

*IF* you can -- but you can't.

[[ I doubt very much that it *does* say must ... ]]

> Well, first of all "round-robin" DNS is far from random

As percieved by exim, it is.

> it may appear random to the average entity doing repetitive queries,

... at intervals ...

> but it most certianly doesn't appear as "random" to the hosts being hit by
> the service requests resulting from such queries.

I disagree.

> I think.

I don't.

> I'd re-read the DNS RFCs to be sure, but my interpretation of "round-robin"
> is more in line with a circular queue, not a random sprinkler.

I'd assume the RFC follows BIND ... :-))

> Interestingly in quick successive queries for MX records for
> shows this to be true.

Yes -- I know how BIND does Round Robin ....

> Unfortunately since the DNS server always returns all of the MX RRs
> without regard to their preference value, we must rely on correct
> handling in the MTA in order to ensure their "round-robin-ness" will be
> preserved.

It is undefined, BUT if you take care, you can use it to give biased or
unbiassed load sharing ....

> Also, in the simplest case of only two equal MX RRs pointing at separate
> hosts, any randomization of the alternating first reply will sometimes
> result in the second reply being selected, which may result in one
> server getting more connections than the other, and in the worst case
> (true random selection by multiple MTAs) one server always getting all
> of the connections.

You've lost me there ...

1) The DNS has caching.
2) there are multiple NSs for zones.
3) some MTAs may do multiple lookups on a name ...

As such, the observered effect is that incomung calls will *not* alternate
between the two servers.
It will appear *random*.

Yes, in the worst case, all *will* go to one host.

Whether exim randomises or not !

> "Doing The Right Thing" for randomization is far from trivial, though
> once you've done it right you can hopefully re-use the code.

I'll let ph10 decide if it's too expensive ...

> Doing it right in this case may not be of much help -- stats at work!

"may" -- possible.
In the current world though, I think it will help.

> Even "Doing The Right Thing" for MX handling without adding randomizaton
> is not necessarily trivial. Ideally "stacks" (FIFO order) of MXs for
> each unique preference value must be constructed, then the stacks must
> be sorted by their preference value but without disturbing their
> internal ordering, then finally selection from the lowest value stack
> must begin until a connection succeeds. This is the only way I can
> think of to preserve the original DNS ordering while still allowing the
> mailer to start with the lowest preference RRs.

Err -- "Doing The Right Thing" should *NOT* "preserve the original DNS ordering"

> # yes, this is really a sequential series of real query examples!

Sure -- with repeated lookups to a single NS without intervening lookups,
this is what one expectes. This is not what exim does ...

My counter example :-)

% date;host -t mx;echo and;host -t mx;date
Thu Nov 21 23:34:23 GMT 1996            MX      8            MX      4            MX      10            MX      10            MX      20            MX      21
and            MX      8            MX      4            MX      10            MX      10            MX      20            MX      21
Thu Nov 21 23:34:24 GMT 1996