[exim] Re: Rejecting connections that have only IP as sender…

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Auteur: Jeremy Harris
À: exim-users
Sujet: [exim] Re: Rejecting connections that have only IP as sender_helo
On 28/05/2023 03:04, AC via Exim-users wrote:
> I've seen ACLs checking sender_helo_name using isip{} but that doesn't seem to do anything for the case of a literal IP:
> H=([])
> What's the proper way to check for the above condition and reject it?

There's no "One True Way".

Here's one possible:

deny condition = ${if isip{${sg{$sender_helo_name} {\N^[[](.*)]$\N} {$1}}}}

> what I was after was actually sender_host_name being empty which, from what I understand, is what H=([ip]) actually represents in the logs (if that's not the case hopefully someone can correct me).

No. Please ready the docs on $sender_host_name:


> Now, along the same lines, which ACL would handle the TLS connection phase (the portion of the connection where the error: "TLS error on connection from ... (gnutls_handshake): The TLS connection was non-properly terminated")?

That could be associated with several ACLs; they act on SMTP commands
received, but that error is a TLS-level thing (a layer down in the
protocol stack).

> I'd like to put a similar rule in to block connections from IP only sources.

You need to re-evaluate.

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