Re: [exim] failed to expand ACL string after upgrade

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Auteur: Slavko
À: exim-users
Sujet: Re: [exim] failed to expand ACL string after upgrade
Dňa 3. decembra 2022 18:05:05 UTC používateľ Jeremy Harris via Exim-users <exim-users@???> napísal:

>- so that expansion is questionable around the ${if }'s. But that doesn't explain
>the complaint about ${quote:$sender_host_address}.

It fails (v4.96) with the same error even with as simple expansion:

    ${run{/bin/echo ${quote:aaa}}}

The debug shows argv[1] without closing "}", thus there is problem
with parsing which IMO consumes closing } too early. I will guess that
parsing consider first "}" occurence as closing the particular ${run} part.

With preexpand it works as expected, but it is not default mode and
by docs, space separated parts would be expanded serately in default

