Autor: Jeremy Harris Data: Para: exim-users Asunto: Re: [exim] When to restart vs reload
On 17/07/2019 06:04, mixed8e--- via Exim-users wrote: > After changing settings, is there a rule about which ones require restart
> vs reload?
> Specifically interested in smtp_accept_max_per_host
You only need a reload. Restart is an operation at
the managing-software (eg. systemd) level, consisting
of killing things off (possibly only the daemon, possibly
all exim processes) and then starting a new daemon.
Reload (also a managing-software term) is implemented
by sending a SIGHUP to the exim daemon, which re-execs
as a response. That results in any changes to the
configuration being used by the new daemon. It would
also suffice for replacement of the exim binary due to