Auteur: ND Date: À: Pcre-dev Sujet: Re: [pcre-dev] (*THEN) works differently in Perl
On 2019-07-02 14:34, ph10 wrote:
> A Perl developer has admitted there is some ambiguity, but suggests that
> (*COMMIT) just means "never advance the starting point". That patterncan
> find a match without advancing the starting point. I have pointedout
> that, in that case, /.*(*COMMIT)c/ should also match, but itdoesn't.
> This is still under discussion by the Perl people. It may takesome time
> for a conclusion to emerge.
Your example
is very reasonable and contradicts with that words of perl authors.
And here is another example. Perl reports no match as if it backtracks to
(*COMMIT) into possessive group:
0: abc
It seems a Perl is so buggy or have really different conception of
(*COMMIT) then PCRE.