Re: [exim] Slow down ?

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Autor: Odhiambo Washington
Dla: exim users
Temat: Re: [exim] Slow down ?
On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 at 12:53, Jeremy Harris via Exim-users <
exim-users@???> wrote:

> On 04/02/2019 09:22, Odhiambo Washington via Exim-users wrote:
> > Out of curiosity, I went checking for this option, but only
> > found remote_max_parallel documented - as a global/main option.
> > Is max_parallel as a transport option documented anywhere??
> I can quickly find it in the "option index". Where did you look?

In the documentation. It seems I did not dig deeper enough.

> PS: please do not copy me on mails sent to the list. I read the
> list. I don't need a duplicate.

I am not CCing you. I do reply-all, but that does include your address by
I keep forgetting to edit. Sorry for that.

Best regards,
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