Re: [exim] Getting 4.88 on centos 7

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Autor: Dan Liles
Para: exim-users
Asunto: Re: [exim] Getting 4.88 on centos 7
Hey guys,

Happy Saturday!

I figured it out and was able to attach - not particularly looking forward
to stepping through the code now but I'm game - wish me luck.

For everyone, I had to do yum update --enablerepo=epel-testing-debuginfo

This gave me the debug info for 4.88 ( when I did it without this I got the
debug info 4.84 ).

So I think I'm up and running for now but I 'll let you know what else I

Thanks for all your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Liles []
Sent: Saturday, February 4, 2017 12:58 PM
To: 'Andrew C Aitchison' <andrew@???>
Cc: 'exim-users@???' <exim-users@???>
Subject: RE: [exim] Getting 4.88 on centos 7

Hello everyone,

Thank you again!

Ok so I uninstalled exim and then ran the following commands

yum install --enablerepo=epel-testing exim exim-mysql yum install
--enablerepo=epel-debuginfo exim-debuginfo

It seems to have installed however when I attach gdb I get the following

Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install exim-4.88-3.el7.x86_64

I ran the command and it added a bunch of debug info but every time I attach
to exim I still get that error.

So what do I do now?



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew C Aitchison []
Sent: Saturday, February 4, 2017 1:51 AM
To: Dan Liles <danliles72@???>
Cc: exim-users@???
Subject: Re: [exim] Getting 4.88 on centos 7

On Fri, 3 Feb 2017, Dan Liles wrote:

> Hello Jeremy / Phil,
> Thanks for your replies - I was thinking of the debug object files so I

can step through the code.

The debuginfo package Felix mentioned does that.

> One other question I have - is it safe to assume that the rpm version
> is built with the cc compiler and not the gcc one?

Hmm. Consider the output of
ls -l /usr/bin/cc
cc --version
gcc --version

In fact on my SL6 box
strings /usr/sbin/exim | grep "Red Hat"
gives a string very similar to part of "gcc --version".

> Just wanted to know what debugger to use.

gdb would do, or there are several gdb front-ends, with more
"point-and-click", including at least on for emacs.

Single-stepping through a daemon is not the easiest thing in the world.

Andrew C Aitchison