Re: [exim] 454 Error

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Szerző: Always Learning
Címzett: Exim
Tárgy: Re: [exim] 454 Error

On Wed, 2016-07-27 at 15:35 -0400, John C Klensin wrote:

> And that, I thought, was the case we were being asked about.
> What I was trying to clarify was the difference between "don't
> configure things that way because it is a bad idea" as compared
> to "don't do it because it is strictly prohibited". The bottom
> line is "don't do it" either way.

Perhaps RFCs (Requests For Comments) should be written in a more
authoritarian style - that demonstrates clear leadership - rather than,
in the instances I read, so passively it encourages the clue-less to
ignore common sense to the detriment of many ?

That is my only comment.


England, EU.      England's place is in the European Union.