[exim-cvs] Document match_*/inlist changes (before coding st…

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Autor: Exim Git Commits Mailing List
A: exim-cvs
Assumpte: [exim-cvs] Document match_*/inlist changes (before coding starts)
Gitweb: http://git.exim.org/exim.git/commitdiff/39257585581294b49385b3d10b08d3c92b670c09
Commit:     39257585581294b49385b3d10b08d3c92b670c09
Parent:     eb02738d2e3fe3fc140781d90f776a4e7bf04c08
Author:     Phil Pennock <pdp@???>
AuthorDate: Sat Sep 24 23:13:27 2011 -0400
Committer:  Phil Pennock <pdp@???>
CommitDate: Sat Sep 24 23:13:27 2011 -0400

    Document match_*/inlist changes (before coding starts)
 doc/doc-docbook/spec.xfpt   |   24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/doc-txt/ChangeLog       |    4 ++++
 doc/doc-txt/NewStuff        |    9 +++++++++
 doc/doc-txt/OptionLists.txt |    1 +
 src/README.UPDATING         |   11 +++++++++++
 5 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/doc-docbook/spec.xfpt b/doc/doc-docbook/spec.xfpt
index d18b09d..128329e 100644
--- a/doc/doc-docbook/spec.xfpt
+++ b/doc/doc-docbook/spec.xfpt
@@ -10079,6 +10079,25 @@ string is lexically greater than the second string. For &%gt%& the comparison
includes the case of letters, whereas for &%gti%& the comparison is

+.vitem &*inlist&~{*&<&'string1'&>&*}{*&<&'string2'&>&*}*& &&&
+       &*inlisti&~{*&<&'string1'&>&*}{*&<&'string2'&>&*}*&
+.cindex "string" "comparison"
+.cindex "list" "iterative conditions"
+Both strings are expanded; the second string is treated as a list of simple
+strings; if the first string is a member of the second, then the condition
+is true.
+These are simpler to use versions of the more powerful &*forany*& condition.
+Examples, and the &*forany*& equivalents:
+${if inlist{needle}{foo:needle:bar}}
+  ${if forany{foo:needle:bar}{eq{$item}{needle}}}
+${if inlisti{Needle}{fOo:NeeDLE:bAr}}
+  ${if forany{fOo:NeeDLE:bAr}{eqi{$item}{Needle}}}
 .vitem &*isip&~{*&<&'string'&>&*}*&  &&&
        &*isip4&~{*&<&'string'&>&*}*& &&&
@@ -10265,6 +10284,11 @@ item can be used, as in all address lists, to cause subsequent items to
 have their local parts matched casefully. Domains are always matched

+Note that <&'string2'&> is not itself subject to string expansion, unless
+Exim was built with the EXPAND_LISTMATCH_RHS option.
 &*Note*&: Host lists are &'not'& supported in this way. This is because
 hosts have two identities: a name and an IP address, and it is not clear
 how to specify cleanly how such a test would work. However, IP addresses can be
diff --git a/doc/doc-txt/ChangeLog b/doc/doc-txt/ChangeLog
index b0d6b06..e2e95c5 100644
--- a/doc/doc-txt/ChangeLog
+++ b/doc/doc-txt/ChangeLog
@@ -112,6 +112,10 @@ PP/08 Handle ${run} returning more data than OS pipe buffer size.
 PP/09 Handle IPv6 addresses with SPF.
       Bugzilla 860.  Patch from Wolfgang Breyha.

+PP/10 match_* no longer expand right-hand-side by default.
+      New compile-time build option, EXPAND_LISTMATCH_RHS.
+      New expansion conditions, "inlist", "inlisti".

 Exim version 4.76
diff --git a/doc/doc-txt/NewStuff b/doc/doc-txt/NewStuff
index bf247e6..d22d4e5 100644
--- a/doc/doc-txt/NewStuff
+++ b/doc/doc-txt/NewStuff
@@ -18,6 +18,15 @@ Version 4.77
  3. New variable $av_failed, set true if the AV scanner deferred; ie, when
     there is a problem talking to the AV scanner, or the AV scanner running.

+ 4. New expansion conditions, "inlist" and "inlisti", which take simple lists
+    and check if the search item is a member of the list.  This does not
+    support named lists, but does subject the list part to string expansion.
+ 5. Unless the new EXPAND_LISTMATCH_RHS build option is set when Exim was
+    built, Exim no longer performs string expansion on the second string of
+    the match_* expansion conditions: "match_address", "match_domain",
+    "match_ip" & "match_local_part".  Named lists can still be used.

 Version 4.76
diff --git a/doc/doc-txt/OptionLists.txt b/doc/doc-txt/OptionLists.txt
index 21fd0fa..6c820fb 100644
--- a/doc/doc-txt/OptionLists.txt
+++ b/doc/doc-txt/OptionLists.txt
@@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ EXIWHAT_MULTIKILL_CMD        system**
 EXIWHAT_MULTIKILL_ARG        system**
 EXIWHAT_PS_ARG               system**     to list all processes
 EXIWHAT_PS_CMD               system**     path to ps command
+EXPAND_LISTMATCH_RHS         optional*    restore pre-4.77 match_*{}{} behaviour
 EXTRALIBS                    system       additional libraries
 EXTRALIBS_EXIM               system       additional libraries for Exim only
 EXTRALIBS_EXIMON             system       additional libraries for the monitor
index 2f6e576..20313b2 100644
@@ -26,6 +26,17 @@ The rest of this document contains information about changes in 4.xx releases
 that might affect a running system.

+Exim version 4.77
+ * The match_<type>{string1}{string2} expansion conditions no longer subject
+ string2 to string expansion, unless Exim was built with the new
+ "EXPAND_LISTMATCH_RHS" option. Too many people have inadvertently created
+ insecure configurations that way. If you need the functionality and turn on
+ that build option, please let the developers know, and know why, so we can
+ try to provide a safer mechanism for you.
Exim version 4.74