On Sun, 31 Jul 2011, Peter Valdemar Mørch wrote:
> I'd like to humbly suggest that the home page mentions that
> pcre-dev@??? is a mailing list with an archive at
> https://lists.exim.org/lurker/list/pcre-dev.html so I can search for
> answers to old questions myself, and that the SVN repository can be
> accessed directly at svn://tahini.csx.cam.ac.uk/pcre/code (or, if
> there is a better URL, then present that instead). viewvc is fine fine
> for human browsing but useless for trying out HEAD...
> ( I only found the archive and since the SVN URL after reading
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCRE )
I've passed the message on to the webmaster@???, though I suspect
he will probably see it on the list anyway. The "official" way to
checkout the source via SVN is:
svn co svn://vcs.exim.org/pcre/code/trunk pcre
Philip Hazel