Autor: W B Hacker Data: Dla: exim users Temat: Re: [exim] Filter Help
steven_nikkel@??? wrote: >> Let's look at another possible method:
>> *snip*
or yet another... > It all seems to fall apart with the first presumption. I want to block a
> specific single address.
ACK - but no real harm to block ALL 'noreply@'
.. especially (per below) if you only have the one anyway..
None of them will find a place to land...
> And yes it is unusual, it's a personal preference. In this case I get
> several messages from the same source. All are identically formatted,
> however a few of them do not include a proper from address, instead using
> the noreply@???. Since most messages include the from address I will
> just reply to it and go on my merry way, but if I miss the fact that I am
> sending a message to noreply@ my message gets lost in the big blackhole,
> no bounce, no auto response and I have no idea why this person is not
> responding to my email. So I thought I would just go about bouncing it
> locally to indicate I've screwed up.
Since you have only the one 'issue' and a mixed situation where there IS a known
correspondent that is (mostly) responsive, why not set your MUA, rather than
Exim, to map that particular 'noreply@' to the known-good address as if it were
a handle, abbreviation, or alias.
Worst-case you might irritate that invididual/organization on something they
really did NOT want to hear back on.
But no more badly than if you had simply read the headers (perish *that*
меньшинство thought...) and decided to compose a manual response anyway...