Re: [exim] Set up question

Góra strony
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Autor: exim
Dla: exim-users
Temat: Re: [exim] Set up question
Thank you for your reply. The specific problem I am having is hotmail
not delivering my mail. It accepts it from exim but just deletes it.
The mail does not even get to the users junk mail folder.

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Martin A. Brooks <martin@???> wrote:
> exim wrote:
>> I am new to exim and having some config difficulties. Below is a
>> message in my mail q:
>> Can someone explain to me where to change the (www-data)
>> root@desktop:/var/www# mailq
>> 0m 1.3K 1K3ww-0004HS-96 <anthony@???> (www-data)
> www-data is a local user created for apache to run as (well, on debian and
> clones anyway).
> Why do you think what you're seeing is wrong? Why do you want to change it?
> What isn't working as you expect? What's the actual specific problem you're
> having?
> --
> Martin A. Brooks | | Anti-spam & anti-virus
>  Consultant    |  martin@???      | filtering. Inoculate
>  |  m: +447792493388           | your mail system.
